Thursday, December 15, 2011

Keeping off the Holiday Pounds

To keep off the holiday pounds I have been trying to fit in a hour Zumba workout each morning. This may seem like a lot of time to devote, but it is well worth it. My daughter loves it and usually tries to mimic the exercises or will dance around me to the music and sing along :) It is a great way to stay motivated. I have also been finding that this is a great way to make sure I get my workout in without excuses. A few great results from my new workout.....

1-tons more energy throughout the day
2--better mood
3--I feel better about myself
4-As of last week, I have lost 3 lbs.

I will say that I haven't been as good about eating all the right things, but I have been limiting the sweet things that I eat. Cookies, pies, cakes, etc are all a great temptation this time of year as well as candy and chocolates. I find that if I have a small cookie or 2 or maybe 3 mini Hershey bars, that it helps to keep me from feeling deprived and crashing into a whole box/bag of goodies.

Hope you all have a wonderful holiday and remember that you can do anything that you set your mind to :)